Clergy and Staff
“According to scripture God is Love, and we are made in the image and likeness of God. Our life — our home life, our family life, our community life, our work life, our school life, our entire life — is awash in love. Christ’s work in and through the church is to open our eyes and our lives to God’s eternal and everlasting love. Welcome to All Saints’ —a community committed to Christ’s way of Love.”
The Rev. Jonathan Wickham
Mr. Devin Davis is originally from Summerville, South Carolina. After 8 years of service in the U.S. Army serving as a military police officer, Mr. Davis attended and graduated from the University of South Carolina’s School of Music in Columbia, South Carolina. He holds a Bachelor of Music with emphasis in elementary music and secondary choir. He also holds a Masters of Music Education from Tarleton State University. Mr. Davis is an adjunct professor at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi and is the artistic director of the Corpus Christi Chorale.
Devin Davis
Desirae Salmo
2024 Vestry
Donna Mehle – Senior Warden
Kimberly Cook – Junior Warden
Pam Anderson
Paula Beaton-Forbus
Autumn Fain
Phyllis Finley – Clerk
Ella Mason
Cathy Tyree
Fran Wilson
Vestry Support
Chuck Hilton – Treasurer
Gary Chatham – Finance Committee Chair
The Vestry is the governing body of an Episcopal Church, elected to represent the people of the parish. At All Saints', our vestry is currently made up of 9 parish members and the Rector. Each year, three to vestry members are nominated through a discernment process and then elected at the annual parish meeting in January for a 3-year term.
The Vestry is responsible for all church property and assets, the budget of the church, and the authorization of major expenditures. The Vestry meets monthly to discuss, reflect, and take action on the many important aspects of parish life.