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We as a community are committed to the questioning, deepening, and enrichment of ourselves, our understanding of the Divine, and our experiences in and with the world. 


At every stage in life, we believe there are things left to be learned in order to grow more connected to God. We also believe there is no such thing as one set path to reach an understanding and appreciation of the Divine. 


Paths of transformation can include the practices of vulnerability, openness, study, quietness, deep friendships, curiosity, self-awareness, prayer, action, welcoming, leaving, grief, healing, love, and joy. We invite you to be a part of a community that can help guide you, and walk with you, on the stages of your path toward wholehearted aliveness.

An Invitation

Join us on a spiritual pilgrimage that provides growth through contemplation and action, personal intimacy with God and compassionate engagement with the world. In this community using our curiosity and creativity is our gift to God. The Word of God calls us to live more fully in community, in the spirit of inclusion and hospitality. We practice listening with our hearts and the development of spiritual friendships, creating a space of acceptance and openness for sharing our deepest questions and callings. As intercessors for the church we pray for all those in need, and we willingly offer ourselves in service and help to our neighbors.

Our Address

3026 S. Staples, Corpus Christi, TX 78404


(361) 855-6294

© 2025 by All Saints' Episcopal Church Corpus Christi

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