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About Us

We are a welcoming place of spiritual and physical beauty — a place for you to enter into (and grow in) the heart of Christianity. We are an inclusive and welcoming community, committed to discovering and experiencing God’s love in worship, fellowship, study, prayer, and action.


We invite you to join us for services (in-person or online), classes, studies, community outreach and fellowship groups at All Saints’.


All are invited to join as you seek connection to your neighbor, and to God. 


The compassionate, expansive, and transformative way of love, modeled and lived by Jesus of Nazareth, forms the core of our life together. We seek innovative ways to follow that journey in all its forms.


We worship, pray, sing, teach, love, and learn guided by the broad expanse of seekers and teachers that comprise our community. We feed our neighbors, and advocate for the needs of others.

We welcome all.


Our prayer is guided by the Episcopal Church and historical Anglicanism. It draws from a diverse array of spiritual traditions. Contemplation, in its many forms, is at the heart of our prayer life.

Our Core Values

Our Core Values

Tradition: We are deeply-rooted in Episcopal tradition. 

Innovation: We are committed to finding innovative ways of experiencing God's presence in all sacred traditions.

Prayer: We are committed to assisting each individual in his or her search for intimacy with God (prayer),

Action: and compassionate engagement with the world (action). 

Spiritual Formation: We are committed to spiritual formation in all levels of our parish life.

Inclusion: We are committed to the spirit of Inclusion.

Our Mission Statement

We are a family committed to embracing the Divine in all through experiencing and sharing the compassionate story of Jesus Christ. 

Our History

When construction began in 1949, we were known as "The little white church." We sat in the middle of cotton fields at what now is 3026 S. Staples in Corpus Christi, TX. By the mid-60s, houses sprung up around our church, and we were the heart of their community.

As we expanded our approach to how we worshipped God in a newer world, so did our "little white church." In 1995, the building was renovated and expanded to meet our new emerging needs. It included the addition of a Labyrinth and parish hall, the Oratory of the Good Shepherd Chapel, a new kitchen, newly redesigned classrooms, nurseries, and a new entrance. 

By 2020, the world changed, and we knew the walls of our church had to change to meet the needs of our present day reality.


Now we both gather together, and extend ourselves beyond the walls of our church to the homes and hearts of those around us, as we create and celebrate this beloved community being shaped by our collective wisdom, gifts, prayers, actions, and invitations.


All Saints' Episcopal Church is a parish of The Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas

Our Histrory
Our Mission Statement
An Invitation

Join us on a spiritual pilgrimage that provides growth through contemplation and action, personal intimacy with God and compassionate engagement with the world. In this community using our curiosity and creativity is our gift to God. The Word of God calls us to live more fully in community, in the spirit of inclusion and hospitality. We practice listening with our hearts and the development of spiritual friendships, creating a space of acceptance and openness for sharing our deepest questions and callings. As intercessors for the church we pray for all those in need, and we willingly offer ourselves in service and help to our neighbors.

Our Address

3026 S. Staples, Corpus Christi, TX 78404

(361) 855-6294

© 2025 by All Saints' Episcopal Church Corpus Christi

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